Monday 4 February 2019



     Source:      THE SPEAKING TREE
                       THE TIMES OF INDIA  (February 6, 2019)

Although it is common to experience butterflies in the stomach before any major life event, the run up to the final board examinations proves to be a traumatic phase for many students. Tormented by thoughts of failure and of falling short of expectations, they forget how to relax, smile and live normally. Unsurprisingly, many start suffering from a range of physical and psychological problems. 
As we now move closer to that time of the year, many children and adolescents are feeling petrified, stressed and depressed. How has a routine, period assessment turned into a fearsome monster? Reflect deeply and we realise that this is an outcome of our flawed attitudes at a personal and collective level.

 During examinations, youngsters, parents and teachers seem to get emotionally carried away, focussing too much on the moment and turning it into a do or die event. They forget that whatever the result, its consequence to the life of the person will never be too significant or irreversible.

While students must immerse themselves whole-heartedly in their studies, giving too much importance to such routine assessments is not warranted. Never worry about scores because life continues to give everyone multiple opportunities to realize their dreams.

Nowadays, an increasing sense of competitiveness pervades our mind, relationships and society. The need to outperform others, flaunt one's achievements, and to be the best has spread like an epidemic and children are encouraged to internalise it. They grow up with the irrational belief that in order to live a decent life, they must defeat everyone around them.

Taoist Lao Tzu teaches us the virtue of non-competition. In a similar vein, students should let examinations help them in their self-growth - preparing their best for the examinations, working hard towards their goals, challenging themselves and overcoming their limitations but doing all this in a fun way, enjoying and relishing each moment. If failure happens, don't lose hope. Take it as a learning opportunity and try playing better strokes next time.
We rarely encourage youngsters to surrender and feel the connection with the Divine. As a result, they often believe that they are all alone in the world without any consistent support. During stressful times, this makes them feel very anxious and vulnerable. Remember that whatever the outcome, Divine Grace will continue empowering you to evolve and make progress. Therefore, keep your faith, rise above your examination anxieties and breathe freely.

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