Monday 20 April 2020



World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, is an annual event organized by the UNESCO to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. It was first celebrated on 23 April 1995 to commemorate the death anniversary of William Shakespeare alongside the births and deaths of several other authors of esteemed reverence.

Our school's annual literary gala, Melange 2020 commences on the same date. But going with the present scheme of things, Melange '20 explores virtual waters as it takes off online for the first time ever. With you equally being a part of the journey and its success, let's go through these testing times armed with our ever-flowing emotions. A host of exciting activities await you, to honour not only the greats in the field, but also your own equally great and undying love for everything literary. All the students are to actively participate from their homes. Staying positive, upbeat and beating the blues; has never been better and more entertaining. The restrictions in place cannot restrict or inhibit creativity of the gifted  and talented. The celebration of languages make us appreciate all the skills that enhance and embellish every language. Therefore the thrust of activities in all the classes would be to hone speaking, reading and writing skills.

We welcome all our students to wholeheartedly and enthusiastically participate in online activities and competitions planned for each class.

Remember when we develop our language skills we develop our personality, enhance our expression and foster a better understanding all around.. Let the merrymaking of Melange '20 begin.

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